A LinkedIn question I hear so often from my clients is, “Christine, how do I connect with people on LinkedIn who I want to do business with? What’s the etiquette to send LinkedIn Invitations? I don’t want to get my account restricted!”
As the LinkedIn #1 All Time Top Female Expert, a Top 1% Most Viewed LinkedIn Profile, with over 6,500 contacts and a site user since 2006, I have four primary ways I send LinkedIn Invitations.
1. I view the person’s LinkedIn profile and send them a personalized connection request…with a compelling sentence about what’s in it for them to connect with me.
IMPORTANT: Do not sell or include any links!
People who want to network with others usually have their profile set to be public, so this is a great way to get more information about how to connect and engage with them on LinkedIn and elsewhere online.
NOTE: It’s critical that they don’t mark your invitation “IDK” or “I Don’t Know”! If this does happen and you get 5 IDK’s your account will be restricted.
BONUS TIP: Ignore the LinkedIn “People You May Know” feature unless you know the person well. That, and uploading your entire address book to send LinkedIn Invitations are two of the fastest ways to get your account restricted!
2. Click on their LinkedIn profile links to find out more about what they’re doing and engage with them there, e.g., Twitter, FaceBook, website, blog, etc.
3. View the LinkedIn Groups they belong to on their profile and join them. Do a search for their name in the group using the Search tab, follow their activity there and engage them.
4. Finally, do a Google search for their name to find out more about what they’re doing…and where. It’s amazing how much information you can find out about someone by scrolling through the search results. This is also an excellent way to find out more about someone who has their LinkedIn profile set to be more private.
Once you’re connected with them, be sure to make your interactions value-rich by focusing on what you can do for them. LinkedIn has a very low spam tolerance level and you can quickly find yourself ignored, with only low-quality connections and/or your account restricted.
If you’re interested in getting more details on how to send LinkedIn Invitations to people you don’t yet know on LinkedIn, click here to apply for your complimentary LinkedIn Results strategy session with me to explore that and to find out what you can do to have a results breakthrough. I have a limited number of appointments available and request that only people who are serious about dramatically increasing their results on LinkedIn apply for a time to talk.
Did this help you send LinkedIn Invitations to people you don’t know? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented below and shared on LinkedIn.
© 2016 ChristineHueber.com
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“Marketing mentor Christine Hueber teaches business owners and entrepreneurs around the world how to create and manage profitable LinkedIn marketing that easily gets them more clients. Get her FREE report ‘Top 10 LinkedIn Success Secrets for Entrepreneurs’ at www.ChristineHueber.com“
Very useful article, Christine, like all your other LinkedIn related work. Great going.
Thanks for your comment, Deepak, and feedback…I appreciate it!
I am a big fan of your comments. I am also a member of your Linkedin Group.
However, this time I somewhat disagree with you. I think you are expecting TOO MUCH WORK for just one Linkedin connection. Do you actually take the time to do ALL FOUR of what you are recommending for others – including going to Google – just to get ONE NEW connection? By the way, do you happen to use VA freelancers? I personally believe the way the world works today everybody needs to be building a TRIBE – and that tribe might do well to include freelancers for the outsourcing of some social media duties.
Lamar Morgan
Thanks for your comment, Lamar. Perhaps it depends on what that connection is worth to you.
Thanks Christine – Your advise is one of the best I’ve read. I agree with the additional research. To acquire additional LinkedIn contacts just for the sake of having them, is of no value. I’m careful about what invitations I accept and which ones I request. This helps me refine my decisions.
As per Lamar’s comments – we have just started to use a VA. It definitely is an adjustment but we’re getting used to it. Having Skype calls helps to establish a relationship and clarify the work we need to get done.
Michael, I appreciate your comment and feedback…thanks so much!
Hi Christine,
I appreciate your insight to connect. I like how you are marketing yourself. I would like to connect to you
Dan Zaleski
Thanks for your comment and feedback, Dan…would love to connect.