Getting leads from LinkedIn can be overwhelming and frustrating…I hear it all the time when I speak to groups and when I’m talking with new clients.
To make getting leads from LinkedIn simple, here is a short run down on how you can use Publishing and Endorsements.
Where do you find them?
One of the first things you’ll notice when you go to your LinkedIn Home page, is that you have the ability to follow public figures and thought leaders on LinkedIn through LinkedIn Pulse.
The good news is that you can be followed too.
Easy…just share your own content on LinkedIn Pulse via LinkedIn’s Publishing tool (updated October 2014). It’s simple and fast to strategically position yourself as a thought leader and expert by sharing valuable content that also promotes you and generates leads.
On LinkedIn you can also recommend someone for their work (and they can recommend you) through Endorsements. Endorsements are a powerful tool for increasing your visibility, keeping you top of mind and cultivating your relationship with your contacts so they get to know, like and trust you and deepen their relationship with you (become a lead).
This means the section on your profile labeled “Skills and Expertise” is very important.
Because the keywords in that section are posed as questions to your connections. This means that if someone believes that you excel in any of them, they can endorse you with just one click.
How does it work?
It’s simple…the skills that get the most endorsements go to the top of the list. This means that someone checking out your profile gets a quick visual of your best strengths just by looking at your Endorsements.
Note: Your connections can add a skill to the list and endorse you for it if they feel it should be listed.
BONUS TIP: Make sure you want to be endorsed for a skill before you accept it! Otherwise, you’ll have to take the time to go back into your profile and delete it.
LinkedIn Relationship Tip: Endorse your contacts to inspire them to endorse you back.
ADVANCED BONUS TIP: If you really want to cultivate the relationship, return any endorsements you get, message (via email is most effective) your thanks and that you returned the favor.
LEAD GENERATION TIP: This is the perfect time to ask if there’s any way you can help them. You’d be surprised how effective that question is for generating leads when you’ve consistently positioned yourself on LinkedIn as a thought leader and expert!
If you’re interested in getting more details on how to quickly and easily get better results from LinkedIn, click here to schedule your complimentary LinkedIn Results strategy session with me to explore that and to find out what you can do to have a results breakthrough. I have a limited number of appointments available and request that only people who are serious about dramatically increasing their results on LinkedIn schedule a time to talk.
QUESTION: What’s your experience getting leads with LinkedIn Publishing and Endorsements? Let me know in the comments and please connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.
© 2012
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Is there an optimal number of skills to have on this new list? Is there a way to remove the extras?
Thanks for asking, Connie … the maximum number of skills you can have on a list is 50 and you can edit to remove them. I recommend having as many skills as possible and your contacts can add others as well.
Does that help?
To your LinkedIn success,