Do you have trouble quickly and easily finding engaging marketing content that compels your audience to take the next step with you?
I hear this from 99% of my new clients and trust me, it doesn’t have to be that way.
On one hand, there’s so much marketing content available, but on the other hand…how do you sort through it fast to find what’s going to be most effective to engage your audience?
But first let’s step back for a moment.
Here’s why engaging marketing content is important:
* It positions you as an expert in your field.
* It positions you as a thought leader.
* It differentiates you and your brand.
* It allows your audience to know, like and trust you.
So how do you find the marketing content that’s compelling and will do all these things for you?
Easy Ways to Find Engaging Marketing Content
Below are some of the resources I suggest all smart entrepreneurs and business owners use to find engaging marketing content that’s compelling for their audience:
1. Industry Leaders. If you’re on Twitter, create lists of industry leaders you can quickly reference for content that will engage your audience. If you’re not yet on Twitter, use LinkedIn Pulse or Company Pages. On FaceBook, follow industry leaders.
BONUS TIP: Notice which updates have been retweeted and shared the most for an indication of what’s engaging marketing content.
2. Google Alerts. Create alerts for your audience keywords and have the best results sent to you daily. Then, when you’re looking for engaging marketing content, scan the emails for what’s been recently picked up by Google. The advantage here is that the content has already been vetted by Google.
3. Industry Publications. Look at the blogs, Twitter/FaceBook/LinkedIn pages of highly-regarded publications in your industry for engaging marketing content you can use.
For example, if you offer expense reduction services, look at CFO magazine for content.
4. Business Publications. Similar to Industry Publications, Business Publications like the Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur or Inc. magazine are wonderful sources for engaging marketing content, depending on your audience.
5. Your Blog. The very best marketing content, of course, is your own. I suggest posting a mix of your own blog posts and other’s content, depending on how much time and existing content you have.
BONUS TIP: If your site’s in WordPress save time and automate the process using plugins.
Now you’re getting the picture of how to find engaging marketing content quickly and easily.
You’ll be amazed how much engagement and leads you’ll get just by incorporating these tips and tricks into your existing marketing. It will enable you to quickly build the know, like and trust factor with your audience and let you easily lead them to taking the next step with you.
And if you want to learn more about how I help my clients find marketing content that engages their audience, then don’t miss applying for your “Marketing Results Strategy Session”.
This FREE strategy session is available for a limited time only. Go here to get all the details, qualify and reserve your preferred time.
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Nice Chris. What kind have boost have you seen from using this tactic?
Thanks for your comment, Bryce!
The kind of boost I’ve seen from using this tactic is increased visibility, increased traffic, more leads and more clients.
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